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发布时间:2009-09-08 浏览次数:

ICMLC has become the premier international conference in the field of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. At ICMLC's annual conference, researchers and practitioners from around the world gather together to interact, to inform, and to inspire. Leading international researchers, including leaders from IEEE, especially the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, will serve as Tutorial and Keynote speakers. ICMLC attendees will have many opportunities to network and to discuss their research with these prominent researchers. ICMLC also provides a quality platform for the broad dissemination of significant research results and innovative practices through conference presentations and published proceedings. Furthermore, authors also have the opportunity of further development of their work via journal and monograph publications. Additionally, ICMLC has a Ph.D. Colloquia, well-focused invited sessions on leading technologies, panels on topics of great interest to participants, and conference awards for Best Conference Paper and Best Student Conference Paper. We invite authors to submit original papers that contain significant research results, development work, and innovative practices to ICMLC'2008. ICMLC'2008 will be held July 13-16, 2008 in the scenic city of Kunming, which is regarded as one of the most beautiful summer vacation places in China.


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