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基本信息 The basic information        
姓   名:张岚
职   称:讲师
个人简历 The personal resume    


科研项目 Scientific Research    
荣誉获奖 Awards Information    

学术交流 Academic Exchange    

1. 2020年参加第十六届全国复杂网络大会,并进行口头报告,报告题目为Heterogeneous investments induced by historical payoffs promote cooperation;

2. 2021年参加第五届中国系统科学大会,并进行口头报告,报告题目为Effects of directional migration for pursuit of profitable circumstances in evolutionary games;

3. 2021年参加第十七届中国网络科学论坛,并进行口头报告,报告题目为Migration based on historical payoffs promotes cooperation in continuous two-dimensional space

论文论著 The Pubications    

1. Lan Zhang, Changwei Huang, Haihong Li, Qionglin Dai, Junzhong Yang. Effects of directional migration

for pursuit of profitable circumstances in evolutionary games. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 144 110709


2. Lan Zhang, Changwei Huang, Haihong Li, Qionglin Dai, Junzhong Yang. Migration promotes cooperation

in the public goods game. Europhysics Letters 134 68001(2021).

3. Lan Zhang, Yuan Xie, Changwei Huang, Haihong Li, Qionglin Dai. Heterogeneous investments induced by

historical payoffs promote cooperation in spatial public goods games. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 133

109675 (2020).

4. Yuan Xie, Lan Zhang, Shuangjian Guo, Qionglin Dai, Junzhong Yang. Twisted states in nonlocally coupled

phase oscillators with frequency distribution consisting of two Lorentzian distributions with the same mean frequency and different widths. PLoS ONE 14(3):e0213471(2019). (SCI 三区, IF: 2.776)

5. Yuan Xie, Shuangjian Guo, Lan Zhang, Qionglin Dai, Junzhong Yang. Twisted states in nonlocally coupled

phase oscillators with bimodal frequency distribution. CNSNS 68: 139-46 (2018).
